Ok so this last month of summer is just flying by, without a minute to blog a thing. So this post is just to give you the highlights of whats been happening with the Brooks bunch.
First weekend in August Regan and I went on a quick little trip to Seattle. He went for something to do with his work...I think it had something to do with the male anatomy and some sort of a sling...I don't know, and I don't want to know????
The medical supply company that was sponsoring this whole weekend took us to some pretty fancy restaurants, but this lunch place was by far the most fun. Thats right...no utensils needed!

The Farmers street market- I could not get enough of the beautiful flowers.

August 5th- We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful day. I started it off by taking my anatomy final and then finished the day reading Breaking Dawn while Regan was coaching Jacks football practice... It must be love ...
This was the oldest "couple picture" I could find on this computer. We are in the process of transferring all our old photos from our old computer (that is stored somewhere down in the dungeon basement) to our mac. Please be patient.
August 7- finally got our truck back from Vernal only to have it break down again two days later. So yes the truck is still in the shop, but hopefully the brains here in Salt Lake will be able to figure it out.
August 8-10th - I was able to sneak away to Dallas to meet the new addition to the Davis family. Baby #2 finally made it. Welcome Aiden. This was the first time I had been to see my little sister since she moved there 2 years ago. I was glad I was able to go and help Holly try and adjust to two. It will take some work, but I know you can do it Holly!
He really is a sweetheart.

August 11th- Madi's gone to girls camp and I miss her sooo!!!
As fast as it is all passing by, I find myself still counting down the days until school starts. As much as I love the summer, and love my kids, I am mostly concerned with their education (and maybe my sanity) :)